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NSFWJS is a powerful tool designed to detect and filter NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content in images efficiently.

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NSFW.JS - NSFW detection on the client-side via Tensorflow JS | Product Hunt

TopΒ Features


Pros & Cons


Top Features: NSFWJS utilizes machine learning algorithms to accurately identify inappropriate content in images, ensuring a safe browsing experience. It offers real-time detection and classification of NSFW images, providing a valuable tool for content moderation. Users can easily integrate NSFWJS into their applications for seamless filtering.

Pricing: NSFWJS offers flexible pricing plans tailored to meet varying user needs. The plans range from basic packages for individual users to premium services catering to enterprise-level clients. Each plan includes access to advanced features, priority support, and regular updates to enhance performance.

Pros & Cons: NSFWJS excels in providing precise NSFW image detection, ensuring a secure online environment. However, some users may find the pricing slightly higher compared to similar tools in the market. The tool's accuracy and efficient filtering capabilities are significant strengths, while the cost may be a consideration for certain users.

Overview: NSFWJS has gained recognition for its robust NSFW image detection capabilities, with positive user feedback highlighting its effectiveness. The tool's user-friendly interface, coupled with reliable performance, positions it as a leading solution for content moderation. NSFWJS's commitment to enhancing user experience through continuous innovation sets it apart in the market.


Try to setup NSFW.JS with Firhan Maulana Rusli - week1

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